First we had our ultrasound. They took all of Gavin's measurements and you could see obvious evidence of his fractures on his tibias especially. At least on of his legs bones was almost U-shaped because of the fractures he has had so far. After the ultrasound tech was done we waited to hear the results from the OB. I was just so nervous that his chest growth had slowed down and that was all I could think about. When the doctor came in he told us that the legs and arms were measuring 4-5 weeks behind which was to be expected from previous ultrasounds. He said that the interval of growth was good for how he is growing. Then he said Gavin's chest growth was up at about the 50th percentile this month... and I about screamed out of happiness. The doctor said he remembered that last month Gavin's chest size was only at about the 10th percentile so he must have had a lot of growth in the last month! We have been so worried about the size of his chest and hearing that it had grown so much almost feels like a dream come true!
One worry down, one to go.

Next we had our echo to check out the baby's heart and met with the doctor to get the results. The doctor said that the VSD had gotten smaller which is what we were hoping for! She said that she would like to check it one more time around 36 weeks along, but this is definitely good news!
So overall I am so happy with how our appointment at CHOP went! I think that I am still in a little bit of shock at how much little man grew! We were so happy that we even put our little guy's pack and play together finally! I am hoping he continues to grow at the same rate and that he will be as healthy as possible when he is born!
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