Thursday night was Gavin's sleep study. We left the house a little after 5pm so that we would make it there by 7:30pm. Gavin did the entire trip in his car seat which I am so pleased about. He did not seem to mind the long trip in the car seat one bit.
We actually got to DuPont about a half an hour early, so we waited until 7:30 when they took us back. I put him in the hospital crib and the nurse and I hooked up a pulse ox, a heart rate monitor, two straps around his chest and abdomen, and what seemed like a thousand sensors on his head and face. Then overtop of the sensors they placed a little cap to hold everything in place. Once he was asleep they not only put his regular ram cannula he has with his CPAP, but they also put a carbon dioxide sensor cannula underneath it. He had so many things on him that he just looked silly.
I don't know why they call these things sleep studies, I really think they should be called wake up often throughout the night studies. Gavin had a rough night to say the least. He was up almost every 20-30 minutes fussing, he was uncomfortable, he was having a bit of gas issues at the beginning of the night, he was sweaty, and I couldn't get to his sleeper to take it off of him which made me feel so bad. I think we were both just waiting for 6am to roll around so we could take everything off of him and go home.
Once 6am did hit and we could take everything off I took his sleeper off so he could cool down before leaving and he was much happier once I did this and all the sensors were removed. I felt so bad for the little guy.
Because I don't yet feel comfortable making the hour and a half drive to DuPont with just myself and Gavin, Daddy and Ayla drove with us. They were going to stay at the Ronald McDonald House but it was completely full so they got to stay at the Best Western instead. Once I was done packing up we immediately went out to the car and went home. I think during the car ride home Gavin slept longer than any period of time at night.
So that was our not so fun experience with Gavin's first (and hopefully last) sleep study.

I also wanted to add that Gavin slept very well last night at home. He only woke up one time to get his diaper changed and went right back to sleep. It is such a difference from the night before. Mr. Gavin woke up with his happy face on today! ❤️
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