Today will be Gavin's 8 week appointment! Wow, my little sweetie pie is EIGHT WEEKS OLD! Where has the time gone!? It seems like yesterday that he was born. At this appointment Gavin will have to get his regular weight/length checked and his routine 8 week shots. Also, because Gavin is considered a high risk case, he will also have to get a snyagis shot (it protects him against RSV getting too severe if he were to contract it). We will be going to his regular pediatrician for this appointment. Also, here is some news that I have not really shared before to many people, not for any reason, just because I have never really brought it up. The last time Gavin was in the NICU he got his hearing tests done and the results came back that he had moderate hearing loss in his right ear and moderately severe hearing loss in his left ear. It did not come to me as a complete shock that there was hearing loss as he does not startle easily, but I did not think that it would be so drastic. On February 4th, Gavin will get another hearing test done to see if the same result arises and if it does he will be receiving hearing aids. He will get a loaner pair that day and will get his own set once they come in. It was determined that he will most likely need a Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA) on a soft band.
So we have been home for a while and Gavin has been doing so incredibly that I haven't really updated much. I will post again tonight or tomorrow with how his appointment went! Time to get back into the swing of blogging on a regular basis!
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