Both of the children behaved very
well on the car ride to the doctors office which was wonderful! We had to go to a farther away office than we normally do because the synagis shot was located at this specific office. But they did great for the entire ride!
During Gavin's appointment he had his normal body check and then had to get 4 vaccines besides the synagis. One was an oral vaccine which we gave to him via NG tube and three were shots meaning he got four shots total. He did not enjoy that part of the appointment but as soon as the shots were over he was back to his normal happy self. Gavin does have a clogged tear duct, which we knew because
his left eye does get goopy at times. His doctor said to try to massage the clog out so hopefully that will work!
After we got home, Daddy got to have some wonderful snuggle time with Gavin before he went to work as I got my snuggle time with my lovely Ayla. Then later on I got to have my close snuggles with Gavin. He was so happy to be in my arms and I think he even gave me a tiny bit of a smile (along with some funny faces too). He must have been super comfortable skin to skin because he eventually just snuggled up and fell asleep.
So overall our day went very well! Gavin was a trooper through his doctor's appointment and big sister Ayla was so incredibly patient and week behaved as well! I just love my little kiddos!!
So overall our day went very well! Gavin was a trooper through his doctor's appointment and big sister Ayla was so incredibly patient and week behaved as well! I just love my little kiddos!!
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