Wow, I have not had a new blog post since before Gavin was born! It has been a very busy 6 weeks!
Gavin was born on December 4, 2013 at 12:43pm. He was 7lb 2oz and 17.5-18in long. For the first day or so Gavin required no oxygen, but as time went on he needed to be on cpap. On December 7th, Gavin was transported from Jefferson Hospital to AI DuPont Children's Hospital. He got his first pamidronate infusion January 10-12 and he did so well. After he got his infusions we tried to come him down to less air than the cpap but then decided it would be best for him to stay on that for stability at home. After 21 days in the hospital, we got to go home on Christmas Eve and we had an amazing Christmas with both of our sweet children!
On December 30th we woke up to Gavin in respiratory distress. His oxygen saturations were in the 70s and he was very pale. We called an ambulance and got him to the nearest hospital. Once the medic in the ambulance had Gavin on 5 liters of oxygen he finally gained his color and his oxygen went back up to the upper 90s. He was flown via helicopter back to DuPont where they monitored him until he had his next scheduled pamidronate infusion (which was scheduled for January 6-8th. The entire time Gavin was in the hospital he did amazingly well. The doctors ruled out viral infections and new rib fractures. We spoke to the respiratory therapist and she thought that the heater Gavin had at home for his cpap machine dried him out and plugged him up.
Gavin came home from his second stay in the NICU on January 9th after everything went perfectly with his second infusion. We have been home and doing incredibly well. We have gotten into a good routine and Gavin has been so happy at home.
A few days ago I finally was able to hold Gavin without his egg crate foam which he loved. I feel as though I am getting more comfortable with handling Gavin. Everything so far has been very great. We are hoping to be able to try bottle feeding with him soon. His next pamidronate infusion is scheduled for March 4-6th.
I promise I will update more often!!