
Friday, February 7, 2014

Bottle Feeding!!


Gavin has taken his first sips from a bottle! He took his first drink from a bottle on Wednesday and with his first bottle he drank about 3/4 of an ounce of milk! YAY GAVIN!
Started with 3oz!

Every time I have consistently given him a bottle he has done really well, drinking between a half an ounce and an ounce of milk. His 2pm bottle he drank an ounce and a half! and with 6pm bottle he drank another ounce before falling asleep! He is doing so great with his bottle feeding! 

Hopefully soon he will be completely off of the NG tube and getting all of his feeds by bottle! <3

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Two Months Old!

Oh my goodness time sure is flying by! Gavin entered our world two months ago today! I cannot believe that he is getting so big already!

We started off today by reading an article in our local newspaper (the Reading Eagle) written about our handsome little guy! We were interviewed about a week ago and they wrote an article about our amazing little guy. It was a very well written article! 

Then we went to get Gavin a temporary hearing aid! He got his BAHA (Bone Anchored Hearing Aid) on a soft band. He tends to wiggle it off of where it needs to be at times but I have to tell you all, he smiled AT me for the first time today! He has smiled in his sleep before but has never looked at me and truly smiled! And not only did he smile once when I talked to him, but a second time right after that when I spoke again! I am so glad his hearing aid seems to be working!

And lastly, big sister Ayla wanted to hold Gavin on her lap today by herself so we let her do so. She was so incredibly happy to be able to hold him all by herself! 

So after an eventful morning and afternoon, it is time for us to snuggle up and relax for the rest of the night! I hope everyone is having as great of a day as we are!! 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Adorable Big Sister!

I know a lot of the time I talk about Gavin and all of the appointments and daily events pertaining to him. But this post is about my absolutely wonderful 2.5 year old daughter Ayla Quinn.

My beautiful little burst of energy of a daughter is the sweetest big sister. She know that she has to be extra gentle with Gavin and uses her soft hands all the time when she is around him. She gives him kisses as often as she can and she loves to "boop" him on the nose. She talks to him and tells him she loves him every day.

But she is so much more than a big sister. She is an incredibly bright little girl. She can finish 24 piece puzzles in less than five minutes. She says words to me that I didn't even think she knew what they meant or how to say them.She thinks critically about problems and can figure out solve them. She knows her colors and can count to 20, even though once she gets to 13 they all sound very similar. She knows and can say her full name. And she has been fully potty trained since before her second birthday.

She loves to play with her toys, of which she has way too many. She loves playing with characters specifically and will make them have entire conversations to one another and sometimes daddy or I will be involved in the dialogue. She can ride a trike and a scooter and is quite the little daredevil. She jumps off of anything and everything she can and is currently learning how to do a cartwheel (which looks more like a forward roll at this point). She tells me that she wants to learn how to do ballet and has an awesome aunt that is a dance teacher so she will be learning soon enough! 

She is one of the most loving children ever. She is constantly giving me kisses and telling me she loves me. If I leave for a short period of time she tells me she missed me as soon as I get back. We snuggle every day and I wouldn't trade that time for anything in the world. 

I guess I just wanted to let everyone know that Gavin is not the only light of my life. My daughter is what gave me my purpose in life, and that was to be a mother. She taught me so much about what love really is and I thank God every day for bringing her to me. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Eight Week Checkup

Let's begin our story at 7am yesterday morning. I was planning out how I was going to have Gavin and Ayla ready and in the car by 8am so we could be at Gavin's checkup on time when all of the sudden Gavin decided it was time to have an explosive diaper. Fun fun. So my plan quickly changed to giving Gavin a bath because he so desperately needed one and to weight him myself for ease. So my handsome little guy got bathed and weighed. He is now up to 8lb 11.6oz! Even though we had a slight change of plans we still managed to get out the door and in the car by 8am (yay!). 

Both of the children behaved very
well on the car ride to the doctors office which was wonderful! We had to go to a farther away office than we normally do because the synagis shot was located at this specific office. But they did great for the entire ride! 

During Gavin's appointment he had his normal body check and then had to get 4 vaccines besides the synagis. One was an oral vaccine which we gave to him via NG tube and three were shots meaning he got four shots total. He did not enjoy that part of the appointment but as soon as the shots were over he was back to his normal happy self. Gavin does have a clogged tear duct, which we knew because
his left eye does get goopy at times. His doctor said to try to massage the clog out so hopefully that will work! 

After we got home, Daddy got to have some wonderful snuggle time with Gavin before he went to work as I got my snuggle time with my lovely Ayla. Then later on I got to have my close snuggles with Gavin. He was so happy to be in my arms and I think he even gave me a tiny bit of a smile (along with some funny faces too). He must have been super comfortable skin to skin because he eventually just snuggled up and fell asleep. 

So overall our day went very well! Gavin was a trooper through his doctor's appointment and big sister Ayla was so incredibly patient and week behaved as well! I just love my little kiddos!!