So ultrasound first: Gavin's arms and legs are measuring a good amount behind where they should be (no surprise there) but the doctors said that his rib cage seems to look good from what they can tell and that they do NOT see large amount of beading! YAY! This was one of our main concerns and it was very relieving to hear.
Next I had my regular checkup with the doctors. They said that just to be on the safe side they want to do weekly ultrasounds and non-stress tests because he is measuring small (which they know is most likely because he OI but they want to make sure there isn't anything else going on. So then they added an NST onto our list of things to do and we went to meet with the Neonatal team.
We went up to the NICU and met with some of the team that will be caring for Gavin directly after his birth. They went over in more detail how to c-section will take place and when things will happen. Here's more or less how it is going to go:
-Get there at 7am
-Be prepped and ready by 8:30am
-C-section takes place at 9
-Gavin will be taken out during the c-section and placed directly on his egg crate mattress
-If he is breathing well enough they will let me look at him before they take him to the warming room directly next to the OR
-Jeremy will go with Gavin so that he is not without one of us and my mom will stay in the OR with me as I finish the surgery
-Once they are able to, they will take Gavin up to the NICU ands care for him there
-I will go to the recovery room and then eventually head to the post-delivery floor
-Gavin and Jeremy will stay in the NICU and I will have to wait 6 hours post surgery until I will be able to try to stand and then go see Gavin
Here's my thoughts on how things will go. I am going to be stressed. Nobody knows how well Gavin is going to do once he is born and I wish so much that I could be by his side after he is born. And I won't be able to really look at him and take in every detail of his face until over 6 hours after he is born. I know that Jeremy will be with him every second and that he will be in good hands which makes me a little happier but I am so sad that I won't be there. I have carried him for the last 9 months and had him with me every second and then when the most uncertain time of his life happens, I won't be there. I just hope that they keep me updated on every single thing that is happening with him. I just don't want to feel like I don't know what's happening with my little guy.
We then took a tour of the NICU, the Labor and Delivery floor, and the Post-Delivery floor. It was nice to see the areas we will be going to and to meet some of the staff of those areas as well.
So next we went for the NST. Gavin was kicking up a storm at the beginning. Then he settled down and they said everything looked good and we were able to leave.
It was a long day.. We left at 7am and didn't get home until 5:45pm. And Ayla was with my mom this week and I missed her like crazy! It was seriously the longest I have ever been away from her and I was so glad to be home with my cuddle bug after our long day at the hospital. We have two more weekly appointments (next Tuesday and the Tuesday after that) and then the third Tuesday from now will be baby Gavin's birthday!
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